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Pear Tree


Updated: Dec 22, 2020

Thin branches blanketed in leaves

Shield me from the sun’s intrusive rays.

A gentle breeze caresses my skin

As the bugs buzz a soft lullaby just for me.

The unbroken sea of grass around me sways;

Around me a silent ballad takes place,

A dance practiced long before me

Only to be interrupted by a loud thump.

A delicacy lies before me

As if god had dropped it just for me.

The skin breaks with ease as I bite.

Sweetness floods my mouth as I savor the gift from the trees.

The last bite comes as fast as the first.

As I look up, I know not to worry.

Another gift from the trees will interrupt me.

I turn back to the unending dance and smile.

This cycle will continue long after me.


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Dean Ramirez

Dean Ramirez is a full time student at Houston Community College pursuing an Associates in Science. He is also pursuing a Bachelors in Compu


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