Blaring painfully once again from the radio
"A Slice of Murder" incoherently
Bouncing stupidly between frequency interference
Grumbling, I turn,
Reach over the side of the tub
Fidget with the radio dial
This Bloody Episode's
Static! Worms beneath my skin
Like maggots hungry to break through
I cave into my skin
As every chaotic impulse shakes me, craving!
To be heard , to be felt
Such sinister desire must be silenced, but
This Bloody Episode
Refuses to play! As I hit
Again and again at the dial,
The lid of the radio,
The rusted metal stool the damn thing sits on
Gnawing into my inner cheek
This will surely be the death of me
This Bloody Episode's speaker
Finally screams "Break!"
Followed by resumed static
The maggots now encouraged,
Softly chant
Yes, break
Break something
Break something
My body quakes in
This Bloody Episode
It turns my bath water into blood
Before my eyes then
A metallic crimson drips from my nose
Into my mouth
Break, whispers the maggot
That weasels out of my exposed knee
This Bloody Episode
Turns into a hallucination!
I scream yanking the radio off its stool
Launching it onto the wall
Only for it to bounce into my bathtub
The "Slice of Murder" is silenced as
Blue spaghetti volts entangle the radio
The bloody receiver electrifies Adam's ale
Then quickly the electricity ravishes me,
Body, mind, and soul
The once disquieted body engulfed by a stillness
The cessation of nervousness
Brought on by paralysis
My final thoughts are jealous of the calmness
My life always so erratic
Perhaps a second chance methinks
To be born again and find peace?
I send a prayer as I sink
Drowning in fortuitous tranquility.