Listen while I tell you about a hypocrite
Who fooled many with her rhetoric
To those vulnerable ones who do not believe
I will not allow you to be so naïve
They think she is some sort of wunderkind
While she hides her crimes that are her sins
Her foolhardy head continues to swell
She believes the publicity that some tell
She tells many lies that are never brief
Her story sounds like any common thief's
However, in this tale a body will lie
One of her friends will force an alibi
The press will press for details and names
She will hide her inflated head in unforgiving shame
Her grief will be like the death she caused
She will stay quiet hoping for a pause
She and her friends will hang for their sins
She'll pray to someone and hope they'll listen
She'll tell herself she was working for good
One day she'll be told that she was no Robin Hood
Soon she'll fade and be a cautionary tale
She'll be locked away receiving hateful mail
Remember that one who knew it all?
She's gone, she's gone, and took a great fall